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👋 Welcome Hashnode Hackathon Participants!

We’re thrilled that you’re interested in participating in our June #BuildWith1Password Hackathon hosted by Hashnode, and we look forward to seeing what you build. Here are some resources to help get you started:

For the Hackathon event, we’re challenging you to build with or on top of these products:

  • Passage by 1Password: The easiest way to implement passwordless authentication in your app or website.
  • 1Password Shell Plugins: Eliminate API access keys stored on disc and securely authenticate any CLI with your fingerprint, Apple Watch, or other biometrics.
  • 1Password CLI: Build on top of our CLI to automate administrative tasks, securely provision secrets across development environments, and use biometrics to authenticate in the terminal.

We’ve arranged for a 2 month trial of 1Password (which includes Developer Tools) for all Hackathon participants. You’ll be given a link to sign up for the extended trial once you complete the registration steps on Hashnode. If you're working with Shell Plugins or the CLI, you’ll need to install both 1Password 8 and the CLI to get started.

To see a demonstration of the three products and a quick-start project, watch our Hashnode Workshop below.

Passage by 1Password

The Passage team is excited to help you build a passkey-enabled app or website. For your Hackathon entry, you can use the free tier of Passage to build, test, and deploy your entry.

Get started

To get started, see the Passage Quickstart guide. Also on the Passage Docs site, you’ll see SDKs for Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go and more. Lastly, there are sample apps on GitHub that will provide you with inspiration as you build your solution.

Example projects

1Password Shell Plugins

Shell Plugins are designed from the ground up to support open source contributions - in fact, more than half of our available plugins have been written by the community. We’re excited to see what you’re able to build throughout this event.

Get started

To write your Shell Plugin, please visit our Contributing page for resources, including a Shell Plugin template, plugin examples, and requirements to begin. You can also view the video below as Amanda, from our team, demonstrates how to build a Shell Plugin from scratch.

Please note that Shell Plugins must be written in Go. We’ve had 3 external contributors learn Go as a part of their project. If you have questions or issues, we’re happy to help. Ask questions in the the Hashnode Discord and the 1Password Developer Slack community or participate in peer programming sessions.

Example projects

These Shell Plugins have been written by the community and are some of our favorites:

1Password CLI

1Password CLI can be used to build a variety of solutions and offers the ability to write your Hackathon entry in whatever language or framework you see fit. We’ve seen developers build automated workflows that provision users, manage access with groups and vaults, and more. One of our own team members even used the CLI to write the 1Password for VS Code extension.

Get started

Check out the 1Password CLI Quick Start guide, where you’ll find instructions to install using Homebrew or manually, the ability to opt into beta access, and basic commands you can try.

Example projects

1Password CLI powers some great apps and integrations that enable developers to avoid storing secrets in plaintext. Here are a few of our favorite community-built apps:

Have questions or concerns? Please reach out!

If you get stuck or have questions, please let our team know! We’re available and ready to help.